Please don't be surprised. Unlike Nehru-Gandhi-Maino clan or Mayawati-likes, Mr. Modi and Mr. Sharma don't believe in self glorification and sycophancy, hence, the University, the Road leading to it or the Mandir, and the statue in front these places or the beaches around them, etc. are not named after themselves.
The present Shri Somnath Mandir is the seventh temple reconstructed on the original site. The first temple of Shri Somnath ji existed before the beginning of the Christian common era. This was the only temple not to have been destroyed. The second temple built by the Maitraka Yadav kings of Vallabhi in Gujarat replaced the first one on the same site in 649 CE.
In 725 CE, Junayad, the Arab governor of Sind, sent his armies to destroy the second Shri Somnath Mandir. This was one of the first invasions by Muslims to destroy the temple. The Pratihara king Nagabhata II constructed the third temple in 815, a large structure of red sandstone.
Soon the temple regained its old glory and wealth, the descriptions of which were carried to the Middle East. In particular, the accounts of the Arab Al Biruni impressed Mohamed of Ghazni. In 1024, Muhammad of Ghazni destroyed the temple from across the Thar Desert on his sixteenth Iconoclastic & Hindu Holocaustic Genocidal invasions. Ghazni was challenged by the king, Ghogha Rana, who at the ripe age of 90, sacrificed his own clan fighting against Ghazni.
Muhammad Gazni committed a Genocide of over 50000 Hindus who valiantly tried to defend the Somnath temple from him. Ghazni personally broke the gilded lingam to pieces. He took them back to his homeland and placed them in the steps leading to the newly built Jamiah Masjid, so that they would be stepped upon by those going to the mosque to pray. This was his way of demonstrating superiority.
In his first invasion in 1000 AD, Mahmud invaded Indian Frontier Towns. From 1001 to 1003 AD he invaded fought against Jaipal in Peshawar. Jaipal was the king of Hindushahi Kingdom. Mahmud had already fought against him, when Subuktagin was the king of Ghazni. When Mahmud became the king, he decided to attack on Hindushahi Kingdom, as its king, Jaipal, was his old enemy.
In 1001, Mahmud attacked the Hindushahi Kingdom. 15,000 Hindu soldiers were killed. Jaipal was defeated and captured. He was presented before Mahmud with his 15 other relatives; 500,000 enslaved persons were also brought along. Mahmud looted all his wealth. He received 250,000 Dinars to free Jaipal. Though Jaipal was freed, but he refused to survive his disgrace. He cast himself upon a funeral pyre and died.
In 1008, Mahmud attacked on Anandpal. Anandpal was the son of Jaipal, and now became the king of Hindushahi Kingdom. Anandpal called other Hindu kings to help him. The kings of Ujjain, Gwalior, Kalinjar, Kannauj, Delhi, Ajmer etc. came to help him with their armies. In the battlefield of Peshawar, both the armies remained standing before each other, but no one attacked. Meanwhile the Khokhars (a race) also came there to help Hindus. Mahmud deployed 6,000 archers to attack. Khokhars attacked the Muslims and killed approximately 5,000 Muslims.
Unfortunately, Jaipal's elephant became infuriated and ran from the battlefield. As soon as Jaipal left the battlefield, the Hindu army got confused and ran away. Muslims chased them and killed 20,000 Hindus. Thus, the best organized national efforts ever made by medieval Hindu India against the foreigners ended.
Nagarkot was very famous for its wealth kept in its temples. So, in 1009 Mahmud decided to invade Nagarkot. Like a swarm of locusts, his army destroyed everything in its path. Mahmud got so much jewelry, gold and silver, that when he returned to his capital, his people congregated to see the incredible wealth of India.
Mahmud came to know of the riches of Thanesar’s temples. In 1014, he invaded Thanesar. The Hindus wanted to reach on a compromise, but Mahmud refused. His army destroyed the city, massacred the inhabitants, and plundered the sacred temples.
In 1015 he invaded Kashyap Mar now renamed and known as Kashmir Valley.
In 1018-19 he destroyed Mathura and Kannauj. When Mahmud invaded Mathura, he was amazed to see so many huge and beautiful Hindu temples but he destroyed them and mass murdered Hindus. Then, he attacked Kannauj in January of 1019. The King of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar couldn't stop him and ran away. The invaders looted the sacred temples. Many innocent Hindus were killed. The king of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar accepted the superiority of Mahmud Ghaznavi and then Mahmud turned back for Ghazni.
In 1021 he did the genocide in Kalinjar. Rajpal Pratihar, the king of Kannauj, had accepted the superiority of Mahmud. This made other Rajput kings angry. The Rajput kings of Kalinjar, Gandda Chandel, with the king of Gwalior and others attacked on Kannauj and killed the king Rajpal Pratihar. Mahmud was unhappy with this and attacked Kalinjar. The king, Gandda Chandel accepted the superiority of Mahmud. Mahmud was satisfied with the money the King gave him and he returned.
In 1023 he invaded Lavpur now renamed and known as Lahore.
In his most destructive and infamous 16th Iconoclastic & Hindu Holocaustic Genocidal invasion in 1025 AD, he destroyed Shri Adi Jyotirling Somnath Mandir in Gujarat. The Somnath temple was very famous for its treasures. There were one thousand priests to serve the temple. Hundreds of dancers and singers played before its gate. There was famous Ling, a rude pillar stone, adorned with gems embroidered with precious like stars, which decorated the shrine.
The brave Hindu Rajputs came forward to defend the temple. Shouting 'Allah hu Akbar', the enemy tried to entered into the temple. The Hindus fought very bravely and the invaders could not damage the temple. The battle lasted for three days.
After three days, the invaders succeeded and entered into the Somnath temple.
Muhammad Gazni committed a Genocide of over 50000 Hindus who valiantly tried to defend the Somnath temple from him. Ghazni personally broke the gilded lingam to pieces. He took them back to his homeland and placed them in the steps leading to the newly built Jamiah Masjid, so that they would be stepped upon by those going to the mosque to pray. This was his way of demonstrating superiority.
He looted the treasures of the temple. It is said that he got wealth worth 20-million Dinars, eighty times the already huge sum he had gained on his first invasion. After looting the Somnath temple, when Mahmud was going back to Ghazni, the Jats had attacked his army. So, to punish the Jats, he returned and defeated them in 1026 in his seventeenth invasion. That b*st*rd and son of a b*t*h died on April 30 1030 in Ghazni, at the age of 59 years. He had contracted malaria during his last invasion. This turned to tuberculosis. Got short changed on what he deserves for all the Hindu Genocide that he did.
The fourth temple was built by the Paramara King Bhoj of Malwa and the Solanki king Bhima of Gujarat (Anhilwara) or Patan between 1026 and 1042. The wooden structure was replaced by Kumarpal (r.1143-72), who built the temple of stone.
The temple was razed in 1297 when the Sultanate of Delhi conquered Gujarat, and again in 1394. At that time Allaudin Khilji occupied the throne of Delhi and he sent his general, Alaf Khan, to pillage Somnath. The fifth temple was built by King Mahipala of the Chudasama dynasty.
Rapist and Hindu Genocidal Mass Murderer Mughal Aurangzeb destroyed the temple again in 1706. A mosque was built at the site of the temple. In 1783 CE queen Ahilyabhai Holkar built the sixth temple at an adjacent site. The temple still stands and worship is carried out there.
The Deputy Prime Minister of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel came to Junagadh on November 12, 1947 to direct the occupation of the state by the Indian army and at the same time ordered the reconstruction of the Somanath temple. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel pledged on November 13, 1947, that the seventh temple would be reconstructed. According to prescribed Hindu rituals, pledges are made by taking holy water in one’s fist. Sardar Patel took the water from the ocean that has been witness to the recurring destructions. Leaders like Morarji Desai, Dr. Rajendra Prasad (the first President) and Kanhaiyalal Munshi joined in and the work was entrusted to the Sompura Shilpakars, whose ancestors rebuilt each new temple through the ages.

The ruins were pulled down in October 1950 and the mosque was moved to a different location. In May 1951, Rajendra Prasad, the first President of the Republic of India, invited by K M Munshi, performed the installation ceremony for the temple Rajendra Prasad said in his address "It is my view that the reconstruction of the Somnath Temple will be complete on that day when not only a magnificent edifice will arise on this foundation, but the mansion of India's prosperity will be really that prosperity of which the ancient temple of Somnath was a symbol.". At the consecration ceremony he added "The Somnath temple signifies that the power of reconstruction is always greater than the power of destruction".
This episode created a serious rift between the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who always had a problem with Hindus. He saw in movement for reconstruction of the temple an attempt at Hindu revivalism and the President Rajendra Prasad and Union Minister K M Munshi, saw in its reconstruction, the fruits of freedom and the reversal of injustice done to Hindus.
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